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Client Factory 4.0+ ​

Crawlers and parsers perform HTTP requests to perform cache warmup and parse XML sitemaps. Both use the Http\Client\ClientFactory to create a consistent Guzzle client instance across all consumers.

Method Reference ​

The following methods are available:

__construct ​

Use the constructor to pass a set of default client configuration. It will be used for each generated client.

use EliasHaeussler\CacheWarmup;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;

$defaults = [
    'handler' => HandlerStack::create(/* ... */),

$clientFactory = new CacheWarmup\Http\Client\ClientFactory($defaults);

get ​

Create a new Guzzle client with a given set of additional client configuration. Additional configuration will be merged with default configuration from the constructor.

use EliasHaeussler\CacheWarmup;

$clientFactory = new CacheWarmup\Http\Client\ClientFactory();
$client = $clientFactory->get();

Example ​

use EliasHaeussler\CacheWarmup;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions;

$defaults = [
    'handler' => HandlerStack::create(/* ... */),
$clientFactory = new CacheWarmup\Http\Client\ClientFactory($defaults);

// Create default client with custom handler
$defaultClient = $clientFactory->get();

// Create client with custom handler and basic auth credentials
$authenticatedClient = $clientFactory->get([
    RequestOptions::AUTH => ['username', 'password'],

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