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Dependency injection 3.2+ ​

A limited service container is built to instantiate crawlers and parsers. This allows custom crawlers to define dependencies to a limited set of services.

Included services ​

The container includes the following runtime services:

ServiceDescriptionAdded in
OutputInterfaceCurrent output, either extracted from console application or constructed as ConsoleOutput3.2.0
LoggerInterfaceCurrent logger, only available if the logFile configuration option is passed3.2.0
EventDispatcherInterfaceCurrent event dispatcher instance, either extracted from console application or constructed as new instance3.2.0
ClientFactoryFactory to create Guzzle client with defaults from clientOptions configuration option4.0.0
ClientInterfaceShared Guzzle client, constructed with clientOptions configuration option4.0.0

Supported factories ​

The service container is built when creating crawlers and parsers through their respective factories, including:

Released under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (or later)