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Configuration Reference

The following pages list all available configuration options.

Each configuration option can only be used when running cache warmup from the command line. When using the library with PHP, only a limited set of configuration options is available.


Read Configuration to get a quick overview about how to pass configuration options to the library.


The configuration reference provides various attributes for each configuration option:

🐝 DefaultDefault value of the configuration option, used if no explicit value is configured
📚 Multiple values allowedAllows multiple values for the configuration options
📝 NameInternal name of the configuration option, especially necessary for JSON and YAML configuration files
🖥️ OptionName of the command parameters used to define the configuration option
🚨 RequiredRequires an explicit value for the configuration option
🎨 TypeExpected type of a special configuration option value in PHP notation


Lists all configuration options used to determine a list of URLs to be warmed up.


Defines how to format cache warmup progress and result.


Describes options to customize the shared Guzzle client.


Describes options to modify and customize the crawling behavior.


Describes options to modify and customize the XML parser.

Logging & Error Handling

Describes possibilities to handle and debug errors during cache warmup. process.

Released under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (or later)